Marius Ruhanamirindi
Marius Ruhanamirindi is Peace Insight’s Local Peacebuilding Expert in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Based out of Goma, Marius works as a Consultant at the Peacebuilding Support Office in the DRC (Bureau de soutien pour la consolidation de la paix en RDC). He has previously worked as a Project Consultant with Oxfam GB on their joint programme against gender-based violence from December 2019 to December 2020. He was also a Project Coordinator for the promotion of peace and social cohesion by young people within the national NGO Bénévolat pour l'Enfance in the DRC for more than 3 years. A graduate in medicine, Marius completed his academic curriculum with several professional training courses including in Management and Leadership of Humanitarian and Development Programmes at the Bioforce Institute in 2016, and Advanced Training in Humanitarian Operations with Save the Children and Oxford Brookes University in France in 2017. Marius is also a former trainee of the Peacekeeping School "Alioune Blondin Beye" in Bamako, Mali, in 2018.