JOCHADEV is a civil society organization under Congolese law created in South Kivu in 2005 by a group of young intellectuals concerned about the well-being of populations that are victims of wars and tribal conflicts.
In order to concretize this project, JOCHADEV has set itself general and specific objectives through actions oriented towards:
- peace and community development,
- social mutual aid and humanitarian action,
- environment and nature conservation
Considering peace and social harmony as the "pivot of human development", JOCHADEV has been mobilizing its 300 members since its creation in the service of peace and community development in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, an area of violence and tribal-ethnic conflicts, which generate socio-economic vulnerability. Focusing more on peace building to significantly influence stability and social progress within its scope of action, JOCHADEV focuses on the following packages of activities:
- conflict prevention and management through participatory action research,
- the promotion of the culture of peace through education for peace and responsible citizenship.
- inclusive peace projects and community capacity-building for peace.
NB: in the framework of community capacity building, JOCHADEV has designed and published in 2019, the manual "LIGHT FOR PEACE ACTORS" aimed at building local peace actors in the world. The edition and distribution of this manual is carried out with the editons vie.