Desarrollo de la migración infantil juvenil (JMED)

Aún no se ha verificado
JMED works to protect young people in Niger against exploitation, suffering and dangers associated with illegal migration and human trafficking.
Última actualización: Diciembre 2017

Desarrollo de la migración de infancia juventud (JMED) trabaja hacia una visión de proporcionar soluciones sostenibles a los retos de desarrollo y las preocupaciones específicas de los jóvenes y niños en Níger. La organización trabaja para protegerlos contra la explotación, sufrimiento y peligros asociados con la migración ilegal y tráfico de seres humanos.

El obejectives principal de JMED son:

  • Prevent and fight against illegal migration and the smuggling of migrants;
  • Press return migrants for their reintegration;
  • Prevent and fight against human trafficking, especially women and children and support victims;
  • Conduct development activities for youth, children and their communities;
  • Work for the mobilization and integration of youth in the process of socio-economic development of Niger;
  • Conduct surveys, studies and research action in the areas; and
  • Niño la protección y promoción de la juventud.

Logros y principales actividades

From its inception to the present, JMED has conducted several activities including:

  • A survey on the migration of women and children in the department Kantché / Zinder.
  • A youth forum on migration, peace and development under the patronage of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Tahoua HACP and with the financial support and the CNDH.
  • A national awareness forum on free movement of persons and goods within the ECOWAS funded Project Migration / Development Unit.
  • National training workshops on strategies to combat human trafficking, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Niamey.

Lo último de Niger

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