Patriotic Advocacy Network

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Patriotic Advocacy Network promote good governance and human rights in Sierra Leone.
Última actualización: Noviembre 2017

The Patriotic Advocacy Network are a voluntary organisation working to impact the spirit of patriotism and oneness in the minds of Sierra Leoneans. The organisation was launched in April 2013 with the intention of corroborating and enhancing national development by creating useful and thoughtful young people in Sierra Leone and to change the negative thoughts and attitudes of the Sierra Leonean people.

The organisations fosters the promotion of fundamental human rights in line with the provision and facilities provided by the constitution of Sierra Leone, by advocating for good governance, protection and promotion of human rights of citizens.


  • Youths sensitization on non violence and patriotism
  • National festival on storytelling and games
  • Scholarship funds
  • Annual drama presentation for secondary schools
  • Anti-Ebola campaigning
  • Anti teenage pregnancy campaign

Lo último de Sierra Leona

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