Restore Hope and Dignity (RHOHD - the Peace Alliance)

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Restore Hope and Dignity (RHOHD - the Peace Alliance) is a peace, conflict transformation and community development and rapprochement between communities, in DR Congo.
Última actualización: Marzo 2020

Restore Hope and Dignity (RHOHD - the Peace Alliance) is a peace, conflict transformation and community development and rapprochement between communities, which was founded in 2013, under Congolese law, born in a social and political context marked by wars and conflicts, sometimes inter-ethnic, sometimes civilian or military, which have their origin in intolerance and incomprehension, the thirst for power, the ignorance of the population, the ambition or greed of men behind the appearance of a usurped legality. Community leaders have come together to contribute to pacification and reconciliation between the communities of North and South Kivu.

Lo último de Democratic Republic of the Congo

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