Today, Peace Insight launches a brand new tool and exciting feature: Peace Dispatch.
Peace Dispatch is a unique new feature, mapping live incidences of violence and peacebuilding initiatives. Live data is pulled onto one map from conflict zones, and this information is analysed by our local experts on the ground. It brings together instances of violent outbreaks alongside instances of local peacebuilding, showing exactly what is being done to halt violence and build peace in the aftermath.
At first, we will feature four countries a month, and build on this as the tool grows. Narrative updates from our Local Peacebuilding Experts will provide a source of local analysis from the heart of those conflicts, pulling together mapping and analysis that is not freely available elsewhere.
Visit Peace Dispatch Now
Peace, in sight
This tool is hosted on ‘Peace Insight’, the largest online resource mapping local peacebuilding in conflict zones. The name reflects the focus on peace and peacebuilding that is the core of the site.
On Peace Insight, we provide a comprehensive database of 1,500 local peacebuilding organisations, and pull in the latest data from war zones onto one map.
We publish timely updates from hard to reach conflict zones, reported from a unique network of our local experts who have unparalleled access to those caught up in violence.
Ruairi Nolan, head of Research and Engagement at Peace Direct, said:
“We are very proud of what Peace Insight has developed into. From small beginnings, it now hosts information on thousands of local peacebuilding organisations which can be their only window to the world. We see it as a really unique resource for journalists, funders and anyone wanting to know about how a more peaceful world can be built.“
It highlights what is being done to rebuild, not just destroy. And it reminds us that in many places peace is in sight. We just have to work harder to make it a reality.