Corrymeela Community

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Corrymeela promote reconciliation and peacebuilding through the healing of social, religious and political divisions in Northern Ireland.
Última actualización: Diciembre 2018

Corrymeela was founded in 1965 with the goal of promoting reconciliation and peacebuilding through healing social, religious and political divisions in Northern Ireland. Corrymeela works across Northern Ireland and beyond. The work of the organisation can be divided into five strands:

  • Working in schools to address community relations issues;
  • Providing respite and development work for families;
  • Supporting individuals and church communities in building relationships with other faiths;
  • Working with young people;
  • Improving cross-community relations.

Corrymeela place great emphasis on the importance of residential programmes in providing people with an open space for new experiences. More than 6,000 people take part in programmes at the Corrymeela Ballycastle Centre every year.

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